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Extreme stuff

My first 100 miler

By Extreme stuff1,479 Comments

The legend of the first marathon runner dying is rooted in ancient Greek history. To announce the victory to the people of Athens, the legend says that Pheidippides, a messenger and soldier, was sent to run from the battlefield at Marathon to Athens, a distance of approximately 42 kilometers. According to the story, Pheidippides ran the entire distance without stopping. Upon reaching Athens, he burst into the assembly and exclaimed, “Νενικήκαμεν!” which means “We have won!” After delivering this message, Pheidippides is said to have collapsed and died from exhaustion.

Now, if you run four marathons in a row over the mountains and survive, they give you a belt buckle and the title of a 100 Miler. But you do feel like dying four times on the way to the finish line. 🙂

It is an absolute miracle and protection from God that I ran 165km over that very technical wet terrain without falling once, like Habakkuk 3:19 – God, the Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer’s; he makes me tread on high places.

The route is absolutely stunning, but brutal. It was well marked and well thought through. I love it when you can’t quit a race because it is too remote; if you quit at 130km, it will take you longer to get back than just to finish the damn thing! 🙂

Some tips Get seconds that lie for you and do not give you love. Brett and Neil were excellent in telling me that I was looking good and strong, but I realized they lied when I vomited everything they just fed me at Wilderness. Landie is like a drill sergeant in endurance races, and she will never let me sleep, so when she was not around at Oakhurst, I took a 7-minute nap to try to get the nausea thoughts out of my head. It did not work, and I realized Landie was right. 🙂

Brett, wake me up with a coffee when I snore- it took 7 minutes 🙂

Train less, plan more I didn’t do 160km weeks, but I trained hard, harder than anything in the last five years, I would say, but I lost about two hours due to bad planning, not to fitness. I would say my fitness was spot on, and I think I could have gone out even harder, but with my inexperience in 100 milers, I was rather conservative. My new motto is – Run when you can, because at some point things will go wrong and then you need the time in the bank to fix it.

My monthly running totals looked like this:

  • Dec – 240km (Holiday and wine)
  • Jan – 297km (Lack of motivation and goals)
  • Feb – 255km (Sick)
  • Mar – 401km (Great)
  • Apr – 424km (Better)
  • May – 416km (Including the Miler)

It was not the distance but the combination of workouts I chose that worked well in the end. I chose to self-coach this race, as I had to learn for myself what works and what doesn’t. I apply this methodology to many of my miler athletes, and I have so much still to learn and experience firsthand. No amount of mileage can give you the results you want, but the right combination and a healthy body.

My race I was told that in milers, you spend hours with someone and really build strong camaraderie… Well, not in this miler. I was alone for 25 hours! From the gun, Doug set out at a pace, and I followed by keeping him in sight, but running with respect to the three quality athletes that settled in closely behind me. Brandon, Gabriel and Kennedy. I ran well within my aerobic capacity, climbing at a heart rate of 150bpm with nasal breathing to calm the nerves… I loved every step of the technical start.

Descending from Keerberg was a bit of a scare for me as it is like a sheer cliff with some footholds, but I managed to get down there alive and prayed that everyone else did. Going into Herold, I was told that the gap grew to 8 minutes and was quickly fed two jaffels and sent into the dark rainy night by Landie, my parents, and my two kids. This section was hard and slow as the rain, fog, and trail camber made running impossible. I caught the last glimpse of Doug when he disappeared over the top at Dizzy Heights and was convinced that I would find him later, but I also saw the headlamp behind me, which belonged to Brandon Hulley, another force to reckon with… I loved the descent from the top, through Tierkop, and ran a few 4min30/km into Dikkop. My last smile of the race😄…

Dikkop 66km still feeling strong and 10min ahead of schedule

After Dikkop, we were heading into Groeneweide, the most runnable MTB trails of the race, and there I was walking whenever it looked like a hill. Surprisingly, Brandon’s light did not get closer, and I kept moving. I got nauseous and had stomach issues and was struggling to keep anything down except for some soup and coke at Groeneweide. I knew electrolytes would be the solution, but as I reached for my bag, I could not find them… they were lost at Dikkop; and here I was running 33km without any electrolytes… I had my first sit down at 81km, and this was a bad habit I adapted from here onwards. I somehow managed to keep moving as I was still very close to my goal pace. I lost my humor on the steep climb from Wilderness River back to the 7 Passes Road just to drop us back down again to the river…. I did not read the route properly and arrived in Wilderness nine minutes outside of plan but shattered, vomiting whatever I tried to take in… I managed to keep in some crisps, and my seconds lied to me and said I looked strong and they would see me at Oakhurst.

The trail to Oakhurst was a memorable one; I had never run there before, and I enjoyed the night sounds, called a hadeda, and it answered about five times while I pulled the pontoon across the river. I got really lonely and at one bench sat down to see if any runners were coming from ahead so I could at least chat with someone, but no one came, and I marched forth. I once sat on the trail at the top and fell asleep on my arms and woke up when I fell off – it worked well. Music played a big role in getting me out of this mood, and I played Pianoman while singing along. I moved fairly well into Oakhurst but an hour behind plan. The vibe was so good I wanted to stay and took a nap to wake up with a coffee. The nap was seven minutes long, but I did not get my nausea under control. I managed to eat a jaffel or two and walked the most runnable jeep track of the night. Bergplaas was coming!

Bergplaas is very remote, and I was feeling like a dead man marching in the forest at 4 am. I was hoping to see some life, a bushpig, an owl, or even Doug, but it was quiet, just me, my sick body, and a corrupted mind. I prayed a lot, switched my playlist to gospel, and somehow got through this section to see the most amazing sunrise at Bergplaas aid station. I sat down and realized how far I had come and how far I still had to go. I realized the privilege of being hungry and having food, shoes, although I had some blisters, and supporters who do aid stations.

The rest was tough; I puked more, but realized it does not kill you and does not have to slow you down, so I made peace with that and actually enjoyed this section. The climb into Tierkop was a breeze, and I then saw Landie, who surprisingly showed some empathy and encouraged me to just finish it. It was so good to see a familiar friendly face again!

I took forever through the aid station and down to the dam to start the last ascent of the day, but did I get a scare on this one. When I started the climb, I could see not even 1km behind me were two runners fast approaching! One in white and one in red/orange. My heart sank into my shoes, as I thought this was Gabriel and Brandon working together to dethrone me from 2nd into 4th after 24 hours of racing. I smashed two Biogen gels and gave everything. For 2 kilometers, I raced them without looking back, head down and giving it my all until I heard behind me another familiar voice of Ryan Sandes, who was leading the 40km race! I collapsed into a grateful walk and finished with a smile, but strong, in 2nd place in my first 100 miler.

A 100 miler is a team sport as there is no way I could have done this without the approval and help of my wife (two weeks before her first Comrades), the help of my mother-in-law with the training, babysitters, seconds, bio, my strength coach Ronel at Runstrong, Pilates and breathing, and some track sessions with Ernie’s group, Brandon taking me on the route, Jacques and Zane keeping me interested, Biogen, Buttanut, and Bootlegger fueling me all the way, and Aquabox for pure mountain spring water. But above all, it was not possible to do this without a healthy body and blessings from Above. I did it 4Them!

Everything is in the support an nutrition in a miler

World record

By Charity, Extreme stuff

‘Probably one of the biggest moments of my career.’ 

World record: Most vertical distance in 24 hours by a team.

Platteklip Gorge, Table Mountain x 14.

Christiaan Greyling & AJ Calitz

10 May 2021


Photos by Grobler Basson, words by Dane van den Heever

Why did we do it?

So we decided to take on something extraordinary…

It started in lockdown, when K-Way teammate AJ Calitz and I had a chat as we were bummed about the events being cancelled. We knew we wanted to do something in a short period of time, so that we weren’t going to be away from our families for too long. And we wanted to do something that creates hope. 

AJ then applied for a Guinness World Record attempt, which lasts for three months. And as we all know, life happens, one procrastinates and leaves things to be done last minute. 

After another conversation, we were left with a choice. Either wait and reapply, or be crazy and commit. Once you start moving things around, they get postponed. Sometimes you just have to do it.

So right there and then, we jumped in. We had to complete the attempt before the 11th of May… 

What physical planning goes into an event like this? 

We both are ultra runners and have raced competitively on the international scene, but to put things into perspective, this was AJ’s longest run ever in time, and by far the most vertical distance we moved in a single effort. 

So, you would think we will attempt this well rested? But only 2 weeks prior to this I did the 100km Ultra trail Drakensberg and finished 2nd in a very competitive field and was still broken on my test run a few days before the attempt. AJ on the other hand took part in the annual PCC (Platteklip Charity Challenge) and only 3 weeks prior to our record attempt he did 11 laps up and down on a section of the climb. He was also not in his best physical state when we stepped over the startline at 4:02am on Monday 10 May. 

We would have liked to prepare more for an event like this, the fact that we went into it quite blindly was mainly a good thing. I had no idea how hard it might be, something better not to know. 

AJ had a better sense of what was ahead, as he had done some of this craziness before. 

The madness

There was just a point during the day when our bodies felt like they were broken to pieces… and only our heads were left. 

It’s then when you need a very strong reason why you are attempting the challenge. 

We tapped into all the energy of the support we received. There were people backing us everywhere, on top of the mountain and below, in obscure hours. And therefore we didn’t want to give up. 

We still, however, went through some dark patches… cramping, nausea, dehydration. And a lot of pain. 

Hydration and nutrition

The one thing you can not go without in such an exhausting effort is the best nutrition, and enough of it. I burned around 8500 calories, according to my Garmin watch. You cannot skimp on this… it’s your fuel. As a professional athlete, you also don’t have that much fat to burn, you need sufficient fats, carbs and protein for the demands of the day. And the demand was high! Climbing always gets your heart rate up. It’s an effort, and will always be, no matter how slow you go. 

Initially, I ran with some Biogen plant based protein bars, and Buttanutt sachets (which actually fit well into my Naked Innovation Belt). It’s great proteins that break down easily, and I knew it would help my body when the laps would start their bite. We ate well in the beginning, knowing there would be a point we wouldn’t feel like eating anymore. Which is when you need to go over to liquid foods. 

Landie brought me a smoothie at lap 5, and whatever was in there was amazing.  I think I had about four smoothies throughout the day, about 5 energy bars, an avo, Wazoogles oats, 3 Buttanut rolls, chicken broth and salt chips, half a pizza, soup, a footlong nougat, yellies, fruit, Biogen gels, 5 Tribe coffees and the list goes on 🙂 

It really helped to run to your aid station every hour and a half, hour and fifteen minutes. 

The day is a lot easier like that, as opposed to running a hundred kilometers and carrying all of your goodies with you. 

But it’s also difficult when you run past your finishing point 13 times. Getting out of the ‘nice zone,’ is hard when it’s where your friends, good food and music are.

I calculated a total of around 18 liters of fluid that I took during the day. When arriving at the bottom of a lap, I just grabbed a soft flask that was filled with Biogen electrolytes, Cytogen or Carbogen and ran with it. I really discovered the value of Carbogen there. It’s a great source of low GI energy, without caffeine. 

I sweat most of my fluids out, 12.5L according to my Garmin fenix 6 Sapphire and was probably dehydrated at a point, you always are. But this time, we hands down had better hydration than in a usual race. Reason being we never missed a single time to drink when we crossed the stream of water on our way up. We forced each other to drink a cup on every lap. When AJ was in front, he would fill up the water and leave the cup for me on the rock, what a teamplayer! 


So when things are really tough and you are facing extreme conditions, you have to be able to depend on your gear. Both AJ and I had our K-Way arm warmers on for the entire day. Definitely for the 4am cold, but also as we entered the heat of the day, we soaked them in the stream and they cooled us down. 

We had a couple of clothing changes, because we got so drenched in sweat. It’s fantastic to change into a fresh shirt or shorts, not to mention new socks. 

As for my running shoes, I was wearing my Adidas Flow pair. They had enough cushioning, I was quite impressed, in spite of their tough exterior and grip. I switched to the Pearly pair later on, which is a much softer shoe, yet brilliant for the job as well. I have no blisters from the day, no pains. 

Without my 30 South sunnies, the heat would have beaten me, especially around laps 6 – 8. 

 I am very happy with my gear choices for the day. 

The real heroes

At the end of the day it looked like there were two guys who ran up a mountain, and they got to be the heroes. 

But actually that would not have been possible at all without the people who supported us. I remember having goosebumps at the last two laps… to see our friends waiting there for us, on top and at the bottom, risking being late for curfew just to support us. 

It was an emotional finish. There they were, the crazy people who believed in two crazy guys… cheering for us. Being happy for us. What a moment! 

I hope the record goes way beyond what we did out there. We aim to inspire people to do something extraordinary, something out of their comfort zone. To get out! It’s not about breaking a world record, or running up and down a mountain 14 times.  

We committed our run to the charity called EduNova. It takes a big wave, like breaking a world record, to raise enough awareness for a big problem like education in our country. We loved having this opportunity for exposure for them, and hope to see their plans for a brighter future realize on the near horizon. 

And then a real big shout out must go to Grobler Basson, who ran with us for three laps with the best music. He has to be the local trail DJ. He and his wife are super seconds, with a hundred miler from three weeks ago still fresh in their minds. They knew exactly what we needed.

Also a big thanks to Pierre Pienaar, from K-Way, who spent the WHOLE day at the aid station keeping things together. 

So many people were spending a lot of time at Platteklip for us. All of them, Blake, Greg, Emily, Janco, Dirkie, Shaun, Tinus, Jamie Marais .. you guys were great support and gave us the best smiles out there.

A big thanks to AJ Calitz, the brainchild of this feat. He is one of the best motivational teammates one can ask for!

Also, huge thanks to all the social media, the PR, the photographers, the story reporters on social media. Thanks for backing us all the way. 

Table mountain has one of the most technical descents I know. We had to run down in 30 minutes, because we had only a few minutes to spare for the record. 

It is downright risky to run a mountain like this 14 times. We could easily have tripped, broken a bone or sprained an ankle. 

Therefore, praise be to God… He made our feet like that of a rhebok. We were sent angels like Majozi, a SAN Parks officer who gave us favor and good support on the mountain. And one of AJ’s elders who prayed for us on the run. Actually, all our people were praying for us. 

God blessed us and enabled us. 

And special thanks to President Cyril Ramaphosa for allowing us only 20 hours of that climb. Another four would have been pure agony. 

Heaven and Hell Q & A with Trail magazine

By Extreme stuff

How did the name “Heaven and Hell” relate to your experience at the race?

“The name says it all, heavenly views from the top, but absolute hell to get there!” 

Did you appreciate the loop format?

Yes, it made nutrition planning straight forward as you know exactly what you can expect. Our blood pressure and oxygen saturation were taken every 14km. According to my Garmin, my oxygen saturation was on 89% average throughout the race. 

What elements of the race were most challenging?

It becomes extremely difficult to think straight when you are sleep deprived, running 18 hours non-stop and you have to do another 22km, 6-hour lap with 2 000m ascent to finish. 

Is there a particularly funny/interesting/scary/inspiring memory from the race you’d like to share? 

I’ve learned that hours feel like minutes, the impossible is possible, and that our mind is the strongest tool we have!

Would you do it again?


Running through the night and yet 10 hours to go
Aid station setup between laps
Thinking – What did I sign up for…